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Brotherhood Media Management, LLP
Sihler, William W.; Clifton, Patrick E. Case F-1680 / Published September 19, 2012 / 13 pages. Collection: Darden School of Business
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Product Overview

The owners of a specialty advertising service agency wants to create a new business that is not as dependent on their personal efforts. They are considering starting a business that would own and rent space on LCD (liquid crystal disply) bill boards. If they decide to proceed, they have to decide what to finance and structure the new venture.

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  • Overview

    The owners of a specialty advertising service agency wants to create a new business that is not as dependent on their personal efforts. They are considering starting a business that would own and rent space on LCD (liquid crystal disply) bill boards. If they decide to proceed, they have to decide what to finance and structure the new venture.

  • Learning Objectives