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Xerox and the Vision Quest
Wicks, Andrew C.; Mead, Jenny; Stewart, Nicholas Case E-0367 / Published January 17, 2012 / 2 pages. Collection: Darden School of Business
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Product Overview

Xerox Production Manager Jim Deese has an employee who is uncomfortable with the company's "vision quests" (creative and spiritual retreats). Xerox began conducting these vision quests as a means of invigorating production and innovation at the company, which had struggled over the years with product development and increasing competition. Some studies have shown that incorporating some element of spirituality helps to generate a happier and more creative workplace. Nonetheless, the employee questions the vision quests and the company's other mildly spiritual practices, and Deese must decide how to respond.

Learning Objectives

Discuss management's role in facilitating or allowing any vestiges of spirituality/religion in the workplace. Decide what boundaries are allowable and not allowable in expressions of spirituality/religion. Examine company's right to interject spiritual or religious overtones into a business and, conversely, the rights of employees to express their own spirituality or religious beliefs.

  • Videos List

  • Overview

    Xerox Production Manager Jim Deese has an employee who is uncomfortable with the company's "vision quests" (creative and spiritual retreats). Xerox began conducting these vision quests as a means of invigorating production and innovation at the company, which had struggled over the years with product development and increasing competition. Some studies have shown that incorporating some element of spirituality helps to generate a happier and more creative workplace. Nonetheless, the employee questions the vision quests and the company's other mildly spiritual practices, and Deese must decide how to respond.

  • Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Discuss management's role in facilitating or allowing any vestiges of spirituality/religion in the workplace. Decide what boundaries are allowable and not allowable in expressions of spirituality/religion. Examine company's right to interject spiritual or religious overtones into a business and, conversely, the rights of employees to express their own spirituality or religious beliefs.