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When the Fur Hits the Fan (B)
Freeman, R. Edward; Mead, Jenny Case E-0329 / Published August 27, 2008 / 1 pages. Collection: Darden School of Business
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Product Overview

The animal shelter finally found a solution for disbursal of the furs they had received from the public for the fundraising rummage sale. The local wildlife center took them to use as beds for baby animals. The furs seemed to soothe them. The shelter had avoided a public relations problem with this solution, but it had also lost out on a possible $20,000.

Learning Objectives

Nonprofits often face situations that can be mine fields. How should this animal shelter have responded to the fur donations? In discussing this two-part case, students identify the stakeholders (including the "dead animals") and examine the rights and responsibilities of each.

  • Videos List

  • Overview

    The animal shelter finally found a solution for disbursal of the furs they had received from the public for the fundraising rummage sale. The local wildlife center took them to use as beds for baby animals. The furs seemed to soothe them. The shelter had avoided a public relations problem with this solution, but it had also lost out on a possible $20,000.

  • Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Nonprofits often face situations that can be mine fields. How should this animal shelter have responded to the fur donations? In discussing this two-part case, students identify the stakeholders (including the "dead animals") and examine the rights and responsibilities of each.