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Squeezed: Citron Capital Shorts GameStop
Evans, Richard B.; Sesia, Aldo Case F-1983 / Published June 25, 2021 / 15 pages. Collection: Darden School of Business
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Product Overview

The case examines the short selling of GameStop by hedge fund Citron Capital. The valuation case for short selling GameStop is explored, along with the actual market mechanics of short selling a stock (i.e., rebate rates, securities lending collateral, and loan recalls). In addition to the costs, additional risks of short selling, including the potential for a short squeeze, are introduced.

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  • Overview

    The case examines the short selling of GameStop by hedge fund Citron Capital. The valuation case for short selling GameStop is explored, along with the actual market mechanics of short selling a stock (i.e., rebate rates, securities lending collateral, and loan recalls). In addition to the costs, additional risks of short selling, including the potential for a short squeeze, are introduced.

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