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Jindal Vijaynagar Steel Limited (B): Installation of Corex
Dutta, Goutam Case IIMA-QM0279(B) / Published March 29, 2019 / 10 pages. Collection: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
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Product Overview

COREX, a new technology brought by Mr. Jindal, froze before going into live operations resulting in 10 month delay. This case discusses the project management monitoring methods used by them. Their use of Microsoft Project in place of Primavera is interesting. Before this, India did not have expertise in COREX. The case also discussed how to build project team when the local expertise is not availble. The case also shows how much of monitoring methods discussed in books are practicable.

Learning Objectives

To understand the basic differences of project monitoring by internal and external project management teams. To understand the difference of MS Project and Primavera. What type of information is required by project teams.

  • Videos List

  • Overview

    COREX, a new technology brought by Mr. Jindal, froze before going into live operations resulting in 10 month delay. This case discusses the project management monitoring methods used by them. Their use of Microsoft Project in place of Primavera is interesting. Before this, India did not have expertise in COREX. The case also discussed how to build project team when the local expertise is not availble. The case also shows how much of monitoring methods discussed in books are practicable.

  • Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    To understand the basic differences of project monitoring by internal and external project management teams. To understand the difference of MS Project and Primavera. What type of information is required by project teams.