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Jindal Vijaynagar Steel Limited (A): Installation of COREX
Dutta, Goutam Case IIMA-QM0279(A) / Published March 29, 2019 / 15 pages. Collection: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
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Product Overview

Mr. Sajjan Jindal, MD of JVSL (nos JSW) wanted to bring the latest technology of iron making into India. His project went to several cost overrun and time overrun due to several foreseen and unforessen circumstances. This case discusses the issues new technology introduction in iron making area, problem faced by inexperienced contractor. It shows the need for proper risk management is required. It also shows the criticality of the project does not mean time cost trade off, but many other factors like reliability of the equipment , process and reliability of the equipment and plants.

Learning Objectives

To understand three types of uncertainity, variations foreseen and unforseen uncertainity. To understand three types of uncertainity, variations foreseen and unforseen uncertainity. To understand three types of uncertainity, variations foreseen and unforseen uncertainity.

  • Videos List

  • Overview

    Mr. Sajjan Jindal, MD of JVSL (nos JSW) wanted to bring the latest technology of iron making into India. His project went to several cost overrun and time overrun due to several foreseen and unforessen circumstances. This case discusses the issues new technology introduction in iron making area, problem faced by inexperienced contractor. It shows the need for proper risk management is required. It also shows the criticality of the project does not mean time cost trade off, but many other factors like reliability of the equipment , process and reliability of the equipment and plants.

  • Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    To understand three types of uncertainity, variations foreseen and unforseen uncertainity. To understand three types of uncertainity, variations foreseen and unforseen uncertainity. To understand three types of uncertainity, variations foreseen and unforseen uncertainity.