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Hostile Takeovers: A Primer for the Decision Maker
Bruner, Robert F. Technical Note F-1362 / Published January 31, 2001 / 18 pages. Collection: Darden School of Business
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Product Overview

This note introduces the student to the dynamics of the hostile takeover setting and characterizes the decision problem as a "game." In this context, it is necessary to understand other players and their modes of thought, defensive tactics, and rules (laws and court precedents) by which players compete. The survey covers these considerations and discusses the probabilistic analysis by which players can assess the possible actions of various parties. The paper was prepared to supplement case discussions on hostile takeovers.

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  • Overview

    This note introduces the student to the dynamics of the hostile takeover setting and characterizes the decision problem as a "game." In this context, it is necessary to understand other players and their modes of thought, defensive tactics, and rules (laws and court precedents) by which players compete. The survey covers these considerations and discusses the probabilistic analysis by which players can assess the possible actions of various parties. The paper was prepared to supplement case discussions on hostile takeovers.

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