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Fishy Issues: The U.S. Shrimp Antidumping Case
Debaere, Peter Case G-0600 / Published September 12, 2007 / 15 pages. Collection: Darden School of Business
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Product Overview

This case features a prominent antidumping case in the United States against six of its major foreign shrimp suppliers. The case fits well in a discussion and analysis of the (welfare) consequences of protectionism, the basic case for free trade, and the political economy of protectionism.

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives are to refresh students' memories about key concepts and tools from microeconomics and macroeconomics and to show how analyzing economic agents as maximizers of profit and/or utility deepens one's understanding of the environment of the firm.

  • Videos List

  • Overview

    This case features a prominent antidumping case in the United States against six of its major foreign shrimp suppliers. The case fits well in a discussion and analysis of the (welfare) consequences of protectionism, the basic case for free trade, and the political economy of protectionism.

  • Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The learning objectives are to refresh students' memories about key concepts and tools from microeconomics and macroeconomics and to show how analyzing economic agents as maximizers of profit and/or utility deepens one's understanding of the environment of the firm.