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Tata Nano in Singur: An (In)Fertile Landscape for Industrialization? (A)
Rai, Rajnish Case IIMA-PSG0146(A) / Published June 13, 2023 / 17 pages. Collection: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
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Product Overview

In 2008, amidst widespread farmers’ agitation over land acquisition issues, Ratan Tata, despite investing ₹300 crores, was compelled to abandon the Tata Nano project in Singur. Using Kingdon’s multiple agenda setting model, this case examines why despite the huge victory of West Bengal’s Left Front government in 2006 on the motto of “development” and a strong political will the setting up of the Nano plant of Tata Motors Limited (TML) failed. Is the large package of financial incentives offered by the West Bengal government to the TML a good strategy to attract private investment into the state? What other tools can policymakers use to bring investment to the state? Should the government invoke provision of eminent domain to acquire land for private enterprises?

Learning Objectives

Introduce participants to John Kingdon’s multiple stream agenda setting model; Understand how agenda setting in the policy process is a dynamic process and contingent on relative strengths of alternative positions in each of the three streams— problem, policy, and political streams; Understand how agenda setting can fail due to misalignment and lead to fissures within the group of actors driving the agenda; Understand how agenda setting needs to be informed by concrete analysis of key outcomes such as gains to the economy, business operations, sustainability of revenue streams, or employment generation.

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  • Overview

    In 2008, amidst widespread farmers’ agitation over land acquisition issues, Ratan Tata, despite investing ₹300 crores, was compelled to abandon the Tata Nano project in Singur. Using Kingdon’s multiple agenda setting model, this case examines why despite the huge victory of West Bengal’s Left Front government in 2006 on the motto of “development” and a strong political will the setting up of the Nano plant of Tata Motors Limited (TML) failed. Is the large package of financial incentives offered by the West Bengal government to the TML a good strategy to attract private investment into the state? What other tools can policymakers use to bring investment to the state? Should the government invoke provision of eminent domain to acquire land for private enterprises?

  • Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Introduce participants to John Kingdon’s multiple stream agenda setting model; Understand how agenda setting in the policy process is a dynamic process and contingent on relative strengths of alternative positions in each of the three streams— problem, policy, and political streams; Understand how agenda setting can fail due to misalignment and lead to fissures within the group of actors driving the agenda; Understand how agenda setting needs to be informed by concrete analysis of key outcomes such as gains to the economy, business operations, sustainability of revenue streams, or employment generation.