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GE Healthcare in India: An (Ultra)Sound Strategy?
Harris, Jared D.; Mead, Jenny; Jain, Mayank Case E-0337 / Published October 14, 2008 / 21 pages. Collection: Darden School of Business
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Product Overview

This case outlines the dilemma of a president and CEO of GE Healthcare India. Its ultrasound machines were implicated in many cases of prenatal sex determination in a society that favored males, so too few girls were being born with potentially catastrophic results for future Indian society. The CEO knows GE Healthcare's ultrasound machines were providing excellent medical care for Indians, particularly in rural communities, and that the company was following all the rules and regulations to prevent this type of abuse. But the CEO also understood the social issues that were involved. Ultrasound machine sales had enormous potential to help maintain GE's market-leading position in India. Should the company step back from its aggressive sales strategy? What other efforts should the company make to stop the illicit prenatal gender determination and resulting abortions and protect the image of GE as a responsible corporation going forward?

Learning Objectives

Define the rights and responsibilities of large multinational corporations when their products are being used in inappropriate or illegal ways. Identify stakeholders, and define the rights, responsibilities, obligations, values, and needs of each. Define and examine corporate social responsibility, particularly in different cultures.

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  • Overview

    This case outlines the dilemma of a president and CEO of GE Healthcare India. Its ultrasound machines were implicated in many cases of prenatal sex determination in a society that favored males, so too few girls were being born with potentially catastrophic results for future Indian society. The CEO knows GE Healthcare's ultrasound machines were providing excellent medical care for Indians, particularly in rural communities, and that the company was following all the rules and regulations to prevent this type of abuse. But the CEO also understood the social issues that were involved. Ultrasound machine sales had enormous potential to help maintain GE's market-leading position in India. Should the company step back from its aggressive sales strategy? What other efforts should the company make to stop the illicit prenatal gender determination and resulting abortions and protect the image of GE as a responsible corporation going forward?

  • Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Define the rights and responsibilities of large multinational corporations when their products are being used in inappropriate or illegal ways. Identify stakeholders, and define the rights, responsibilities, obligations, values, and needs of each. Define and examine corporate social responsibility, particularly in different cultures.